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2022 Volunteers of the Week- Ken & Marie Murdock

Meet our 2022 Volunteers of the Week, Ken & Marie Murdock!

posted on May 12, 2022

Ken & Marie Murdock
Alaska State Friends of NRA
Committee Co-Chair | 20 Years of Service


"Ken and Marie Murdock exude leadership in everything that they do. They are a dynamic husband and wife team that lead by example and are always willing and able to lead or help. Their dedication and perseverance to Alaska Friends of NRA is unparalleled. Marie is the brains of the operation and is consistently willing to refine the organizational and paperwork side, while Ken is the brawn who is the first man in and last man out when it comes to set up and tear down. They both have spent countless hours selling raffle tickets, dinner tickets, sponsor tables, and everything else associated with having a hyper successful Friends of NRA event!

Both Ken and Marie understand the value of a team and therefore are the quintessential team players! They are more than willing to travel thousands of miles to help another Friends of NRA Committee host a successful event. With Marie's financial background, she has instituted several methods and procedures for our treasurers and cashiers. She has also travelled (both driving and flying on her own dime) to assist and train other Alaska Friends of NRA treasurers and cashiers at their events. Marie is an excellent teacher and is HIGHLY ORGANIZED!!! She brings a certain calm behind the cashier's table in the middle of the storm! Ken, better known as just MURDOCK, lives and breathes Friends of NRA, and has been instrumental in teaching the SGT AT ARMS position to not only his own committee, but others as well. He is also a tireless workhorse and will drive thousands of miles to assist other committees. He has even flown to many of the off road Alaska Friends of NRA events to assist and promote the Alaska Friends of NRA TEAM spirit!!

If NRA Field Operations Division ever invests in a cloning machine, the Murdocks will be the first candidates I nominate!!!"

-  Brad Kruger, Western Regional Director


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