Find a Friends of NRA Event near you:

Southern Tier

Join other champions of the Second Amendment for dinner, games, auctions, and fun with a chance to win exclusive NRA guns, gear, décor, and collectibles!

DoubleTree Hotel
225 Water Street
Binghamton, NY 13901
Megan Clark

Event Tickets

event/dinner ticket

this is 1 single event/dinner ticket

couple event/dinner ticket

this is 2 event/dinner tickets

basic table of 8 event/dinner tickets

this is basic table of 8 event/dinner tickets only!

Liberty Sponsor Table of 8

this is a Liberty Sponsor table of 8 event/dinner tickets plus 1 National Liberty Sponsorship


This is a VIP Table of 8 event/dinner tickets plus a choice of a firearm off the VIP list of firearms!

Patriot Table of 8

this is the Patriot table of 8 event/dinner tickets plus a choice of firearm off the Patriot table list or 2 firearms off the VIP LIST!!!

Hunter's Table of 8

this is a Hunter's Table of 8 event/dinner tickets plus a choice of hunt package from a list of domestic or international hunts!

2nd Amendment Table of 8

This is the 2nd Amendment Table of 8 event /dinner tickets plus 8 firearms for the table off a Special 2nd Amendment list!!!

$500 Game Sponsorship

This is to sponsor a game the night of the banquet. As a sponsor you get your name put on the game sign, will be recognized in the event program, will be mentioned all night when the game is mentioned, plus receive a tax deduction since we are a non-profit 501(c)(3).
Your Order Total is $0
Your ticket selections will seat a total of 0 people:
0 Raffle Tickets

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NRA Youth Education Summit at Shooting Range

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