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Tri Rivers

Join other champions of the Second Amendment for dinner, games, auctions, and fun with a chance to win exclusive NRA guns, gear, décor, and collectibles!

Elks Lodge #1280
125 South Main Street
Franklin, NH 03235
Peg Howard

Additional Event Details

this is a new date changed from 1/25/25 to 6/8/25 please come and have a great night of fun and games and great food!

Event Tickets

Dinner/Event Ticket

1 dinner/event ticket

Couple Dinner/Event Ticket

2 dinner/event tickets

Basic Table

This is a Table of 8 dinner/event tickets plus 1 ticket for the table captain drawing!

Liberty Sponsor Table

This is a table of 8 event/dinner tickets, 1 ticket for table gun drawing, plus 1 Liberty National Sponsorship choice!

V.I.P. Table of 8

This is a VIP Table for 8 event/dinner tickets plus 1 ticket for table captain drawing and 1 choice of special VIP firearm list

New Hampshire Table of 8

This is a table of 8 event/dinner tickets plus 1 ticket for the table captains drawing plus 2 choices from the special NH firearms list!!

Hunters Table of 8

This is a Hunters table of 8 event/dinner tickets plus 1 ticket for table captian drawing and the choice of 1 Domestic or International hunt of the list of hunts!

2nd Amendment Table of 8

This is a table of 8 event/dinner tickets plus 1 ticket for the Table Captain drawing and 8 firearms for the table off the special 2nd Amendment firearms list!!

$100 Locked and Loaded Ticket

This is a pre-event Game ticket only able to be purchased before the event which is a $130 value for $100, so you save $30

$200 George Washington Raffle Pack

($350+Value) 50 white bucket raffle tickets and 10 Red bucket raffle tickets for the raffle buckets only!

$300 U.S. Grant Raffle Pack

($500+Value) 75 white bucket raffle tickets, 15 red bucket tickets, and 1 blue bucket ticket for the raffle buckets!

$500 Ronald Reagan Ticket Pack

(1500+Value) 125 white tickets, 25 red bucket tickets, and 5 blue bucket tickets for the bucket raffle. *This does NOT include an event ticket. Event tickets must be purchased separately.

$1000 Dwight Eisenhower Raffle Pack

(3000+Value) 250 white tickets, 50 red bucket tickets, and 10 blue bucket tickets for the bucket raffles. Plus 1 firearm off a Basic firearm list the night of the banquet. *This does NOT include an event ticket. Event tickets must be purchased separately.

$1500 Abraham Lincoln Raffle Pack

(4500+Value) 375 white tickets, 75 red bucket tickets, and 15 blue bucket tickets for the bucket raffles. Plus 1 firearm off a Basic Firearm list the night of the banquet or a Quigley-Ford Scope. *This does NOT include an event ticket. Event tickets must be purchased separately.

$2000 Teddy Roosevelt Raffle Pack

(6000+Value) 500 white tickets, 100 red bucket tickets, and 20 blue bucket tickets for the bucket raffles. Plus 2 firearms off a Basic Firearm list the night of the banquet. *This does NOT include an event ticket. Event tickets must be purchased separately.

$2500 The Presidential Raffle Pack

(7500+Value) 625 white tickets, 125 red bucket tickets, and 25 blue bucket tickets for the bucket raffles. Plus 1 firearm off a Premium Presidential firearm list the night of the banquet. *This does NOT include an event ticket. Event tickets must be purchased separately.
Your Order Total is $0
Your ticket selections will seat a total of 0 people:
0 Raffle Tickets

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